Monday, September 20, 2010

Survey: Who has bought something from Apple in last 12 months?

I was facilitating a discussion on emerging trends last week in New Zealand. The audience of 35 was a 50/50 mix of Gen-Xers and Baby-Boomers working in the public sector, with a focus on Information Technology roles.

I asked for a show of hands to the question:

"Who has bought something from Apple for themselves in the last 12 months?"

About 20 hands shot up - that's almost 60%!

That was a significant revelation.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tech Company Market Caps: major movements

I have been hearing lots of media noise and excitement about:

  • double digit global smartphone growth,
  • the incredible uptake of the Apple iPad tablet,
  • the accelerating importance of Google's Android OS for smartphones.
Have we reached the tipping point cusp of the mobility revolution, a year or two early?

To explore this idea I did a quick market cap shift analysis some selected information technology companies. Here are the results. Pretty amazing! What do you think?